


Smith's characters are crisply drawn, and the reader is fully vested in them in this fast-paced novel that never stumbles.

Highly recommended!"                                                            

         - Kathy Ptacek, author of Shadoweyes and Ghost Dance on Something Stirs



In addition to working on a screenplay, I am also working on an essay, two short stories, and two new books. That should keep me out of my wife's hair for a while.


Hear my story, The Heart is a Determined Hunter on
(just click the icon)




Spooky Tales From the North Carolina Coast is set for publication in the Spring of 2025 from The History Press's Spooky America serie. The publisher asked me to adapt my book, Haunted North Carolina Coast as a children's book, and I was happy to do it. The project was great fun...spooky fun.

News etc.


I was the guest on Citywide Blackout, hosted by Max Bowen (podcast/radio host, public speaker, reporter, writer, voice over talent and genuine nice guy) on June 13th, 2024. We talked about my recent short story collection, Other Places and other fun things. Click Here to Listen.

I was the guest on Coatal Live with Katharine Harden on WTKR recently. We talked about my new book,  Haunted North Carolina Coast. You can watch the interview Here.

Last year I was a guest on the Bloody Good Reads - UK podcast hosted by Mark Goddard: Bloody Good Reads is a flag ship podcast from Bloody Good Screen where host Mark Goddard interviews amazing horror authors and invites them to talk about three horror books they love. We also talked about the re-release of Something Stits. Click Here to listen.




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