Thanks to my new editor at The History Press, I have just finished adapting my latest book, Haunted North Carolina Coast, as a children't book for their Spooky America series. The new children's book (The Ghostly Tales of the North Carolina Coast) was originally scheduled to be released about mid-year. We'll see what turning the manuscript in about two months early does to the release date, if anything.
There are a lot of stories out there...
and I come from people who are storytellers. As such, I have told stories all my life. Stories of all kinds. In fact, I have wanted to be a writer since the day Mrs. Cox put my Christmas story on the bulletin board when I was in the 3rd grade (the elementary school equivalent of The Pulitzer Prize. But without the nice check). Since then I have written about ghosts, clowns, spaceships, flawed people who persevere, and villains who ultimately fail. And I'm just getting started.
Oh's probably best if you don't ask why that mausoleum door is chained.
"Thomas is one of those outstanding Southern writers – seemingly soft, languid, maybe even lazy, when actually what he is, is
cotton wrapped about a razor. Half the time you don't even know he's gotten you until it's too late."
– USA Today and NY Times Bestselling author, Charles L. Grant